This membership is available for osteopathic practitioners only, and is reserved for osteopaths who have had advanced training in Women’s Health and / or Paediatrics.
This membership is designed to offer you mentoring, support, evidence updates, free ongoing continuing professional development courses, newsletters, clinical insights, and the opportunity to help our research work, clinical audits and participate in practical based research networks. Research training is included in your membership.
You can follow the SIG for paediatrics from within this membership areas of the site.
There is an education committee who consider qualifications / advance training options, and you can email us for information. Currently we accept membership from those who hold the following qualifications:
The Certificate in Paediatric Osteopathy from the College of Non Musculoskeletal Osteopathy
The Certificate in Osteopathic Care of the Mother and Infant from the College of Non Musculoskeletal Osteopathy
The Diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy from the Sutherland Cranial College
PGCert in Specialist Paediatric Osteopathic Practice from the University College of Osteopathy.
If you have extensive clinical experience and other educational training and would like to be considered for this special interested group membership, please contact us on admin@
Foreign language subgroups are available within the membership – so people with for example, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian speaking practitioners, and others should be able to get information and support. The foreign language services are being developed and will be rolled out gradually – on the meantime, please join this membership for information and services in English.